Monday, January 9, 2012


Beloveds, this is a Full Moon weekend. Even though the actual Full Moon takes place on Monday the 9th, we'll all be feeling it the whole weekend.

Full Moon in Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon, can be a highly emotional time as the psychic energy is higher. How you will experience this increased flow of emotional energy will depend on what you're focusing on...we say look up, be positive, nurturing and loving and more of that energy will come your way. However if for some reason you're tempted to think about the things you don't want in your life now then just know your activating an emotional time bomb that can explode at any given moment. This is what we've been saying to people for eons, "think what you want, but want what you think". It's time to nurture yourself and to remember "you can't give from an empty cup".

So those folks who are always nurturing and caring for others, may need a well deserved time out, and it's all good. Now the reverse is true for people who haven't had time for loved ones (cause they've been so busy)...this is a good time to reach out of your comfort zone, make the phone call, write the letter and let the people in your life who matter, know that you love and appreciate them.
If you're feeling low energy, or depressed, it's time to make out a list of all the things that are going right in your world. Make a grateful list and you'll be surprised at how many things you have to be thankful for. We can all benefit by taking some time out to meditate and to visualize healing Light coming through our bodies, from the feet up to the third eye center (between your two eyes) and pouring out the third eye center and recycling again throughout the body. Do it at least three times and each time imagine the healing Light is touching every organ and physical function in your body.

We are being called to raise our consciousness to higher levels and to actually become Divine Alchemists, turning lead into gold. Our consistent thoughts and feelings have a profound effect on our physical bodies. The good news is we have the power to control our thoughts and feelings once we realize and know that our present circumstances is not the result of outside influences. In other words, it's not what's happening, but our reaction to it that will help it, heal it, or make it worse. If you believe this, you're going to have a wonderful joy-filled weekend. But if you're still skeptical and want to blame what's happening in your life on outside influences...that's your choice.

I'm urging you to choose, life, choose health and wellness, choose joy, choose love, choose abundance and prosperity. It's all good.
Love you, Ayesha

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