Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 - BRING IT ON!

2012 is finally here and I'm looking forward to it. This is the year to put into practice all the things I've learned over the past years, and especially in 2011. I believe that 2011 was a test run that prepared us to confidently flow through 2012 with ease, love, joy and bliss. Yes there were major weather events, unemployment, foreclosures, homelessness, homicides, accidents and shocking scandals last year. There were also many acts of love, courage, kindness, forgiveness and shocking successes last year. What I learned was that we are all co-creators of the events in our lives. I also learned that if I don't like what I see, I can change it with a change of consciousness that will help me to focus on what I want as opposed to what I don't want. Life is good.

We all have free will and choice in every matter. This is the year to be what we say we believe and to put our beliefs into conscious action. We don't need to waste our time this year pointing out what's wrong with the world. We do need to put ourselves in position to help make this world a better world. By being willing to give selfless service we can make a change, one person at a time. This is the year to put aside our selfish lust for more things and to open up to the need to do something to help someone who might be less fortunate than ourselves.

This is the year to seriously start a spiritual practice and to stick with it. No matter what else may be going on in your life, take time out to pray, to meditate, to read spiritually inspirational books and to consciously stay in a Higher consciousness. Neptune planet of spirituality is moving into Pisces in February of this year for a 14 year stay. Neptune rules Pisces, the sign that says “I Believe” or “ I Serve”. When you're in service to others you are also in service to God. You can be the antidote for someone whose in pain or in need of an angel in his or her life. God's angels here on earth are humans like you and me.

So I say “bring it on”, I'm up for the test and looking forward to a much better year. Mainly because now I know why I'm here, I know who I am and I'm going to use my life to help others. By helping others I'm also helping myself. Giving and serving actually feels good. It's why we're here and it actually makes us healthier and happier.

So “bring it on”, I'm ready for this new year and looking forward to the joy of being alive.

Happy 2012 to everyone!

Visit my website, 'Ayesha Grice - Astrology for Life' for your personal birth sign's message by clicking here

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