Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Mars, the action planet actually went direct last night, but most of us just use the 20th for convenience sake.The retrograde Mars period started on March 2, 2014 and all manner of things seemed to get delayed in my life.  The pool party for my grandchild was delayed for a later date because she came down with sniffles one week before the actual date. Therefore there were two birthday parties for this fortunate child. She was elated, I was just worn out with things to do, people to call, party favors, two cakes, etc. etc.  The other thing was my car was fixed, kinda sorta, but the new door had to be replaced twice already, and the auto-body man just couldn't seem to find a back panel or bumper (sigh).  Then I got caught up in a domestic dispute with two neighbors that ended up with her leaving with the kids and him calling me far too many times.  How did I get here was my quiet desperation  Just trying to be nice (Libra Moon and Rising), while receiving texts and emails from the wife saying "help me".  Geez!  I kept asking myself if these things were the results of a retrograde Mars?  Then the news came that an old friend had deceased and we never made up from an old argument. Thought we had time, but apparently we didn't.Then my computer and phone service went out at the same time. Talk about frustration! Called my Godson ranting and raving and he told me what I've always told him..."Mommy, just breathe." He tried to help me but he's in Brooklyn and I'm in the Poconos. Finally he told me to walk away from it and to call him back later. Cool, calm and collected, this young man really impressed me with words that I've told him before.   All while Mars was retrograde there were many people calling and asking for help. On the outside I was trying to help, but on the inside I was thinking "I pray that something said will be helpful." Even my swim times were seemingly effected by Mars retrograde.  Goggles wouldn't work even though I had 3 pairs in my swim bag.  One day I just kicked the board with my head out of the water rather than deal with goggles that kept steaming up.  As I kicked for 30 laps I said to myself "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade".  But the extra emphasis on legs only made my legs very tired. It was good exercise even though I started walking like an old lady in need of a walker. My inner thoughts were "I'll be so glad when Mars turns direct."  

One day while Mars was retrograde I tuned into Agape only to hear Rev. Beckwith saying that nothing in the universe goes backwards.  He went on to say that we were moving forward and the things that come up now are coming up for us to transform and heal.  OK, so maybe that means I need to invest in more expensive swim goggles, or find a better auto-body man, or resolve to stay out of grown folks business??? I must say that my thighs look better as the endless kicking in the pool has made some of the cellulite disappear.  Life goes on no matter what we do. Listening to multiple meta-physicians  on line has been helpful in reminding me of what I already know. It's not what's happening but your attitude towards it that counts.  Trying to keep in mind that laughter and not taking myself too seriously helps me to stay in a positive frame of mind.  The Mars retrograde cycle seemed to increase all my activities as paperwork piled up, phone calls went unanswered, and the weather Gods forgot to turn on the heat.  It's May already, but the other day the temps were 32 degrees.  Guessing the warm weather will come sooner than later.
Mars will be in Libra until July 26th, then it will move into Scorpio, connect with Saturn and another shift is coming.  

So many people have asked me about the whole Solange/JZ "fight" in the elevator.  I don't know them so the only thing I could rely on was the astrology...Beyonce is a Virgo, Solange is a Pisces and JZ is a Sagittarian.  Plus Neptune (planet of confusion, delusion or spiritual upliftment is in Pisces, connecting to Solange's Sun, opposing Beyonce's Sun and squaring JZ's Sun.  Unless you're a family member you'll never know what truly happened.  We saw images with no sound (Neptune). And because it made mainstream news we all got distracted (Neptune) by a family dispute.  But life goes on. We have to get back to our lives and they have to get back to their lives.  I'm sure most of the theories about the situation are not true.  Neptune conjurs illusions and illusions are not fact.  I wish all of them well and I wish all of us well.  Keep moving forward with love and Light in your heart, mind, spirit and body.  Blessings, Ayesha

Friday, May 9, 2014


The Full Moon is on Wednesday, but we'll probably be feeling it on Monday. The sensitive ones among us will be feeling it even earlier like the weekend, or yikes Mother's Day (11th). What comes up for me during this time is the Central Park Case when a jogger was raped on the Scorpio
Full Moon.  Innocent children were charged and convicted of a crime they did not commit.  Years later the real rapist confessed, the children (now men) were exonerated after serving 10 years. The biggee for me is they still haven't been compensated for what happened to them...and the beat goes on.  


Scorpio is the sign that brings up the need to forgive. It's a fixed water sign ruled by Pluto and Mars, and individuals born under the sign tend to be powerful, secretive (they would say "private") and gifted with the ability to heal.  Thankfully the Scorpios in my life are positive people and some of them are life long friends.  However, when I meet a Scorpio I look for signs that tell me what level of consciousness he or she is operating on.  If they use the word "resent" too many times a red flag goes up (smile) because I know this is a Scorpio that needs to forgive the past or whose looking for revenge.  These are the Scorpios who usually have a hidden agenda, i.e. like LBJ, the Scorpion who took office after Kennedy was assassinated.  When the Full Moon is in Scorpio it's time for all of us to look within to see if there's any past resentments or need to forgive.  This is a good time to clear the blocks or obstacles that are keeping us stuck in the past.


Personally, I thought I was finished with the resentment piece when I finally forgave my mother back in the 70's.  I thought I had forgiven her, but realized when doctors found a huge lump in my breast that the forgiveness was only superficial.  On the appearance level everything was good with Mom and me.  There were visits, hugs and kisses, barbecues and dinners, but on the inside I was still raging. I called my teacher after a doctor told me I needed to be hospitalized for a biopsy and possible surgery. I managed to put him off for a week and raced home to call "Issie".  Her attitude was Light and cheerful when I told her my story. In fact she laughed out loud when I said I
wasn't resenting anyone "I love everyone" was my pioused reply. Her message was "the proof is in the pudding...if you have forgiven everyone that thing wouldn't be growing in your breast."   Long story short, I forgave my mother, the "thing" disappeared and I learned a valuable lesson about forgiveness.  Sometimes when we think we have a reason to forgive, we need to go deep and do it more than one or two times.  We need to do it as many times as it takes.  You'll know when it's done because you'll feel it in your body, your mind and your heart.  Louise Hay (healer) says that growths, lumps or cysts, are created when we're holding on to the past with resentment.Forgiveness is for the other person but it's also for you.  If you want to stay healthy then make forgiveness a part of your daily spiritual practice, especially when the Moon is Full in Scorpio. 


The Full Moon in Scorpio is bound to bring up many reasons to forgive, on the racial, cultural and environmental levels.  Realizing that this wacky weather is the result of man's indifference to this beautiful planet, thus we're all suffering from the results, or that injustice in the streets and in the courts is ongoing, and that racism and prejudice is still here, that corporate greed is creating hunger and homelessness...I don't need to paint a picture for you, just look around or watch the evening news.  But when one of those things come up in your mind don't let it stay. Do the forgiveness work..."I forgive you, I release you, I set you free" and move on, or muster up your courage and take action.  Talking about it, fussing about it only funks up the environment. Try not to be a contributor to the pollution but dig down deep inside and ask your angels "what is it that I'm supposed to do about this?" To Do is an action phrase.  


While Scorpio gets a bad rap for being revengeful, secretive, relentlessly going after the ones he or she feels has wronged him or her, the flip side of Scorpio is that they can be very powerful healers as they tune into Pluto, their ruling planet of transformation.  When Scorpio reaches the higher levels of consciousness and realizes their healing power there's no disease or physical discomfort that can stand in their way.  To be a good healer one has to transmute what's seen on the physical level and see only good.  The healer doesn't allow the outer appearance to control him or her because the power is in changing it on the inner levels.  Through the use of a powerful imagination and a strong resolve to be successful, Scorpio becomes a healer.  It was probably a Scorpio who created the phrase "don't believe your lieing eyes!".  It may look bad. The doctor could say it's bad, the prognosis seems bad, but the healer only sees the good. The healer sees wholeness and perfection and holds on to that vision until an actual physical healing takes place.
My doctor said "it doesn't look good, you'll probably need surgery." I was thinking "I got to call Issie" I didn't accept the doctors doom and gloom statement, maybe out of fear and maybe out of faith in the unseen.  I had witnessed miraculous healings before and there was no doubt in my mind that my healing would be added to the list.  


My list of "things to do" is always growing, but one thing that stays the same is the list of names of people I'm praying for. When someone calls or writes me an email that they or a loved one is in need of a healing, the name goes on my list.  I a vow long time ago to always do the healing work, no matter what else is going on in my life.  We were instructed to add a date after the name and when the healing happened to make note of it.  Actually seeing the list of successful healings increases my faith that healing can happen.  So make this Full Moon in Scorpio time a time of healing and forgiveness.  Trying to finally get rid of the resentment for the people who wrongfully incarcerated the children in the Central Park Case. Every time the Full Moon in Scorpio comes up I go into a deep meditation and "see" in my imagination all of the children (The Central Park Five) healed and happy and successful in their quest for monetary compensation.  No money can't give them back their teenaged years, or the times they spent in prison, but it can alleviate the strain of daily living and encourage them to let it go.  I love you all, Ayesha