Saturday, April 26, 2014



Yes, another eclipse. The first one was a Lunar (Full Moon) Eclipse in Libra,  on April 15th, and this one will be a solar (New Moon) Eclipse in Taurus,  on the 29th.  Libra and Taurus have one thing in common...they are both ruled by Venus, planet of love and beauty.  Libra is focused on creativity and relationships, while Taurus is focused on material things and money.  


While the two eclipses this month are keeping our attention, the good news is that the Grand Cardinal Cross is actually easing up.  The lines of tension between 4 planets in Cardinal Signs, i.e. Uranus, Pluto, Mars and Jupiter are slowly moving out of distance from one another.  Some of us are thanking our "lucky stars" that we made it through this intense cycle without too much fuss and bother, while others are wishing they had handled things differently.  If you didn't kill anyone or if anyone didn't kill you then I would say you did just fine (laughing).  


What I love about Taurus people is their consistency, because like their symbol, The Bull, they just keep plodding along until they reach their goal. They are also very loving people, and very creative in their quest for fine things and/or money.  Even if you're not a Taurus this eclipse provides the opportunity for you to tap  into the spirit of Taurus to stick with your goals and to lovingly treat everyone with kindness.  Even though we all have "stuff" going on  the key is to focus on solutions and minimize attention to problems...with a loving heart.  The other thing that we all could do to make this Eclipse in Taurus go smoothly is to forget about the need to control anyone or anything in our lives right now.  We have to realize that we can't control others and we need to be extremely flexible in our approach to people and/or situations and things.


Venus planet of love has been in Pisces, the sign of Spirituality and Faith since the 6th of April. If we connect to the Venus energy and increase our faith along with spiritual practices, i.e. praying and meditation  we'll breeze through this time.  The Venus effect brings out the compassion and unconditional love energy that will mute the intensity of the Grand Cardinal Cross and the two eclipses.  In fact connecting to Venus in Pisces has been my saving grace (a Pisces word).  Right now my family has gathered in a villa up here in the mountains and I just keep focusing on the love I've always had for this extremely diverse set of people.  Also remembering that my grandmother always led with love and didn't focus on our differences when she was alive.  She was the standard bearer of pure unconditional love and she was a Taurus (ruled by Venus).  She was a devout Christian and taught us to pray to a loving God.  Keeping her in my mind and heart has helped me to get through this week in a peaceful manner.  So even when someone makes a remark that could be hurtful to my ego (laughing) I just brush it off knowing that they are only being who they are and some things never change (laughing again).  Overall we're enjoying each others company and remembering that with two deaths last year this could be the last time seeing each other.  The Venus effect has kept me grounded and centered as I've been focused on prayer and meditation (Deepak & Oprah), all week.  The 21 Day Meditation has been great, as both Oprah and Deepak have  focused on the chakras and encouraged everyone to open up to the Divine within.  It's all good! Love, Light and Continued Bright Blessings, Ayesha

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