Tuesday, January 8, 2013


The first new moon of 2013, New Moon in Capricorn happens on Friday, Jan. 11, 2013. I like to think of it as the real start to the new year.  This is a good day to take a review and to see if you've taken the 1st steps towards fulfilling your New Year's resolutions.
I've resolved to work out more. To get back into full sway with my swimming  to eat better and to remember to show love to everyone I come in contact with. 


This morning while watching the memorial service for Miles Joseph, the guitarist for the Agape Band, I swept away tears as one of the speakers said the last time she saw Miles, he was holding out his arms to hug her, but she was rushing to do something else and said "I'll catch you later".  She was obviously in pain at the thought that maybe she should have stopped for what turned out to be the last hug.  I resolved right then and there to remember not to be in a rush when someone is trying to get my attention, and to always take out to share love and blessings with others, no matter what else I may be doing.  We never know when that last opportunity will come.  As I've attended many funerals in my life, it always seems that there is someone crying because they didn't take the time out to give a hug, or to express love.  The truth is now is the only time we have and being in the present moment is always a good practice. 


This New Moon is a great time to fully dedicate ourselves to the things we want to accomplish in the coming year.  When you write down your goals, pause for a minute and visualize them and "see" yourself being successful.  Invoke the joyful feelings that you'll have when your wishes are fulfilled.  Capricorn's symbol is the goat climbing up the mountain.  The mountain is symbolic of success.  Capricorn's keywords are "I Use" and the planetary ruler is Saturn, planet of discipline.  It is imperative that we tap into this powerful New Moon in Capricorn and vow to use our time wisely.  It is also a good thing to enjoy the process while we're focusing on the destination.  In the words of the Hopi Elders, this is the day to take the word "struggle" out of our vocabulary and to move effortlessly towards our goals.  If you're moving towards your mission, the thing you agreed to do before you came back to earth, then the journey will be joyful and full of passion.  We cannot receive our blessings when our jaws are tight and our fists are clenched.  We say open your mind, open your heart to receive your good, as there is nothing too good to be true, nothing too wonderful to happen. 


We survived the dire predictions for 2012. The world didn't end and the Light is shining brightly.  Keep that Light around you and "see" it filling up your physical body.  Use the Light to dissolve any problems or perceived blocks to your success.
We're living at this time because we still have work to do.  We still have love to give and joy to experience.  Hopefully some of us have learned the wisdom of not believing the doom and gloom predictions given by a few people who lacked the understanding to know how things work.  New Moon in Capricorn is a great time to stand in your own truth and to tap into the wisdom that comes from within.
2013 is the year to practice what you've learned and to live a life on purpose.  Enjoy this time and give thanks for all your blessings...I love you all, Ayesha

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